Facebook Liars Getting Called Out For Their BS Is So Satisfying

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BREAKING NEWS: the world is full of liars. Just kidding, of course this is not groundbreaking information. All you have to do is think back to the shit you were told as a child and you’ll realise that ever since you entered this world people have been speaking crap.

When you grow up you suddenly grasp that everyone’s a liar, some are just bigger bullshitters than others. At the end of the day there are lies and then there are LIES! Social media is a melting pot for fibbers who absolutely love to fabricate and exaggerate the truth. I’m sure you all know the kind of people I am referring to, internet liars, like all these tools who tried to pass off complete fabrications and got caught re-handed.









The awkward moment when your own dad calls you out on social media, it’s almost as awkward as when you reply to yourself using a fake account…

The post Facebook Liars Getting Called Out For Their BS Is So Satisfying appeared first on Viral Thread.

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