Grandmas Fight On Wheelchairs In What’s Being Dubbed ‘The Craziest Episode Of Jeremy Kyle Ever’

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If you haven’t heard of Jeremy Kyle, you need to stop what you’re doing right now and get on a serious YouTube binge. She show is the UK equivalent of the Jerry Springer show, and each episode features an increasingly ugly array of weird and wonderful characters with a whole host of problems. I say “characters”, because to keep myself sane I have to believe that these weirdos are actors. Who wants to live in a world where people like this actually exist?

A recent episode of the show has been dubbed “the best episode of Jeremy Kyle ever” by some hardcore fans. The episode featured a woman, who wasn’t even involved in the story, breaking free from the audience and wheeling on stage to share her opinion. The incident happened during a segment named in true Jeremy Kyle fashion: “Stop harassing my boyfriend – He doesn’t want you back!”

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The video, which you can watch on the next page, shows the two women breaking into a near-on physical fight. The show’s bouncer, who understandably sees more action than the majority of TV show bouncers, has to come on stage to break up the fist fight.

The post Grandmas Fight On Wheelchairs In What’s Being Dubbed ‘The Craziest Episode Of Jeremy Kyle Ever’ appeared first on Viral Thread.

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