17 Super Awkward People Who Will Make You Feel Very Uncomfortable

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Awkward situations, you either love them or despise them. I for one can’t get enough of the cringeworthy encounters that make others squirm in discomfort. In fact, I would go as far as to say that they make my day.

I am sure you know the kind of shit I am referring to. Those times when you see someone pull a door that says ‘push.’ When someone goes in for a hug and the other goes in for a handshake. Or, the cream of the crop, when someone waves and the other person fails to wave back. Awkward moments like these happen every single day across the globe. If the thought of them makes you feel super uncomfortable then I’d prepare yourselves, because these people will make you feel 10 times worse.

1. Facepalm


2. 21st century flirting


3. Note to self: don’t mess with this guy 


4. What a wanker 


I think the phrase ‘each to their own’ instantly springs to mind with the above example. The same can be said for this brother and sister who are a little too close for comfort…

The post 17 Super Awkward People Who Will Make You Feel Very Uncomfortable appeared first on Viral Thread.

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