21 Babies Born With The Fullest Head Of Hair You’ll Ever See

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There’s no denying that babies are adorable. As soon as they pop out, they spend their time delighting and amusing everyone they come across with their fart-induced smiles and uncontrollable leg kicking. But like everything in life, some babies are better than others at being cute.

The cutest of all the babies, it turns out, are the ones born with an insane amount of head hair. While most babies remain bald or just a little fluffy until well after their first birthday, some are blessed with an unfair amount of luscious hair atop their heads. Once you start looking at these adorable photos, you simple won’t BE ABLE TO STOP. You have been warned.

1. Hairy Styles


2. Fist pumping her awesome hair


3. Dumbledore, is that you?


4. Baby Elvis


The post 21 Babies Born With The Fullest Head Of Hair You’ll Ever See appeared first on Viral Thread.

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