Guy Gets Dumped On National TV And It’s Beyond Awkward

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I feel like I’m writing quite a lot of articles recently about breakups and relationship fails and it’s getting me down. Where is the love, world? Why can’t we all be nice to each other? Despite my cries for love and kindness however, I’m once again bringing you a saddening (but admittedly hilarious) breakup story.

Let me set the scene for you a little bit. You take your girl to the big game, move in for a cuddle – but wait. She’s not interested and she has something she needs to get off her chest… This sounds ominous. Dumped in the middle of a big date, not something any man wants to go through.


Somehow it manages to get worse, though. Television cameras have captured the whole sorry episode and you’ve became a national laughing stock. To watch the disastrous and entertaining episode in all its glory, flick over to the next page for the cringeworthy footage.

The post Guy Gets Dumped On National TV And It’s Beyond Awkward appeared first on Viral Thread.

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