Rihanna Privately Messaged A Fan To Help Him Come Out

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I sometimes wonder how celebrities feel about not being able to live ordinary lives. They’re constantly in the public eye, with the inability to even go to the grocery store or a chilled walk outside without being snapped by the paparazzi. As much as I’d love to be adored by thousands, if not millions of people, I also quite like my personal space and alone time.

Just because famous people are pampered with lots of money, big houses and several fancy cars, doesn’t mean that they’re incapable of being down-to-earth and compassionate. In fact, Rihanna has done something absolutely inspired for one of her adoring fans.


A gentleman, who wishes to remain anonymous, contacted the pop sensation because he was struggling to come to terms with his sexuality. The young man then shared the resulting conversation with Buzzfeed. Looking at the chats, you would think he and Ri-Ri were best friends. See their intense conversation on the next page.

The post Rihanna Privately Messaged A Fan To Help Him Come Out appeared first on Viral Thread.

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