Five Epic High School Rap Battles That Could Teach You A Thing Or Two

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While most kids are out there practicing long division and chemical equations, these pupils have been honing in on a different skill entirely; rap. Let’s face it, we were all taught a whole heap of crap when we were receiving our educations. The majority of which we all undoubtedly forgot the minute we left the school gates.

Similarly, these hip hop high school students probably fail to remember what they are taught in calculous each week. However, one thing they’ll always keep in mind is the day they blew up their classrooms with their epic freestyle skills – some of which even Jay-Z would be proud of. This being said, not all of them have mastered the art of spitting bars just yet, so perhaps they should hurry back on inside.

5. Time to turn up the heat

High school is a jungle, and these animals are going crazy. These guys are all heated lions but only one of them is going to walk away with their pride?

4. Posh kids can spit bars

It’s time to posh it up a bit. Even though this kid appears to have been raised on the swanky side of town, he clearly still knows how to throw down some serious beats.

I think it’s pretty obvious that there was only one winner in that battle. The fella on the right who was dressed to the nines was full of dope rhymes and obliterated the competition. Sorry, that’s the last time I try to write and rap at the same time, from now on I’ll leave the latter to these guys…

The post Five Epic High School Rap Battles That Could Teach You A Thing Or Two appeared first on Viral Thread.

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