Guy Gets Choked Out After Starting A Fight With The Wrong Homeless Guy

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Out of all the fighting videos on the internet, the ones with a clear underdog battling their way to victory are some of the most satisfying. So when footage was released of a cocky kid squaring up to a homeless guy, I think we all knew whose side we were on.

The video starts with the kid poking and taunting the homeless man. For starters, the guy is dressed in double denim, which is going to do nothing to win our vote. As he continues to tease the homeless man, he starts to get more and more agitated.

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Initially, the homeless guy tries to fend the kid off by holding up both of his arms in a defensive position, but after a few seconds he gets tires and makes a killer move on his attacker. The video, which you can watch on the next page, shows the guy inflict a seriously well-executed chokehold. It was so good, in fact, that it’s making me question whether this is a homeless guy at all and not an undercover martial arts expert.

The post Guy Gets Choked Out After Starting A Fight With The Wrong Homeless Guy appeared first on Viral Thread.

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