Japanese Sharpening Master Turning Rusty Blade Into New Knife Is Captivating

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As an avid amateur cook myself, I despise the fateful day my favourite knife starts to go blunt. After years of perfectly slicing and dicing vegetables, you’re now left with a useless hunk of metal not fit for purpose. Well thankfully, one man is defying the knife ageing process and is bringing old kitchen implements back from the dead with some amazing sharpening techniques.

In the footage, this knife-wielding genius turns a rusty old blade into something that would not look out of place in a professional kitchen. Not just a supremely skilful craftsman, the video itself is really amazing and really sucks you in. A great visual spectacle, I defy you not to be entertained by this sharpening sorcery.


Without ruining the video for you, it really is a startling spectacle. All you cooking enthusiasts out there listen up, because you are about to witness something really clever. Don’t you wish you knew a Japanese sharpening master now? I know I do.

The post Japanese Sharpening Master Turning Rusty Blade Into New Knife Is Captivating appeared first on Viral Thread.

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