Lead Singer Of Punk Band Dropkicks Girl Off Stage For Taking Selfie

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Ever heard of punk band The Story So Far? No me neither. Well, one way or another they’ve ended up in the headlines thanks to lead singer Parker Cannon and his brutal on-stage antics. Of course, rock bands causing a stir is nothing new. If you think about some of the great heavy metal stories, Ozzy Osbourne actually bit a head off an unconscious bat. So kicking a girl off a stage is nothing. I don’t know why I mentioned that the bat was unconscious, I just thought it was pertinent information.

In this hilarious video doing the rounds, The Story So Far are coming back on stage for their encore in Toronto at the Mod Club. A female fan then decides it’s the perfect time to clamber on stage for a selfie with the boys. Sadly, Cannon did not feel the same way.


Check out the video on the next page if you want to see what happens when you mess with the pumped up lead singer of a punk rock band. Spoiler alert: it’s fucking mental.

The post Lead Singer Of Punk Band Dropkicks Girl Off Stage For Taking Selfie appeared first on Viral Thread.

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