5-Year-Old Girl Has A Duck Best Friend Who Follows Her Everywhere And Thinks She’s His Mom

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Kylie Brown is only 5 years old but she’s already a mother. At least in her duck Snowflake’s eyes, who has imprinted on her when he was just a wee duckling last summer.

“We brought him home, this little yellow furball is squawking in a box, and Kylie walked over to the box and leaned in, and he was quiet,” Ashley Brown, Kylie’s mother, told wnep. “Everywhere she went he was quiet. And if she went missing, he would squawk and panic.

The two are inseparable. Whether it’s swimming in summer, or sledding in winter, Snowflake comes along. He’s been to sleepovers as well as gone trick-or-treating as Olaf, the snowman from Frozen. “They are best friends,” she added. “I’ve seen (Kylie) grow up. She’s become very responsible. She takes very good care of him.” “I’m his mom,” said Kylie  in an interview with CBS Sunday Morning’s Steve Hartman.

Ducklings “imprint” at the early stages of their life. If their biological mother is not the first thing that they see after hatching, they’ll follow any other moving object that they encounter.

(h/t: aplus)

Kylie is only 5 years old but she’s already a mom


“We brought him home…squawking in a box, and Kylie walked over to the box and leaned in, and he was quiet”


“Everywhere she went he was quiet. And if she went missing, he would squawk and panic”


The two have not only become best friends, the duck called Snowflake also believes that Kylie is his mom


Snowflake has even gone trick-or-treating as Olaf, the snowman from Frozen!


He also waits for his mom to get back from school at the bus stop


And they go sledding together!


“I’m his mom”


“I’ve seen (Kylie) grow up. She’s become very responsible,” her mother Ashley Brown added


“She takes very good care of him”


The two are inseparable!


“He’s family. He’s definitely family”


Watch the full interview here:

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