Girl Squirts Hot Chili Pepper Into Eye, It Does Not End Well

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Chili peppers, you either love them or loathe them. I for one can’t stand the blasted things, mainly because I am a massive wimp who can’t handle a korma from my local Indian takeaway. Of course I am over exaggerating, but you get my drift.

Hot and spicy peppers are among the foods we shouldn’t really enjoy, because they activate areas of our brain related to both pleasure and pain. Or in my case, just pain. I often find myself downing pints of milk and yoghurt when I chow down on a little too much heat. It’s horrible, yes. But none of my experiences can compare to what this girl went through.

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The next time I complain that my mum has been a little too heavy handed with the spice in my food, I’ll think of this girl. Only then will I realise that life could be worse; instead of my mouth being on fire, my eyes could…

The post Girl Squirts Hot Chili Pepper Into Eye, It Does Not End Well appeared first on Viral Thread.

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