This 90-Year-Old Widow Is Set To Lose Her Home Of 64 Years, One Man Is Trying To Help

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As someone with an elderly grandmother, I hate to see the older generation being exploited. Usually on television they talk about con artists and fraudsters being the danger, but nobody tells you that actually you’re more in danger of being taken advantage of by the people who run your city.

Marie Louise Sikorski is 90-years-old, and soon she might be homeless – that’s if the authorities in Sarasota, Florida, have anything to do with it. Widowed in 2002, Sikorski has lived in her home since 1952, when it was built. Sadly, in the years since her husband died, Mrs. Sikorski has struggled with the upkeep of her property. Her neighbours complained about her house, and now she has real issues.


Since the complaints were made, Sikorski has incurred fines of up to $500 daily (which is half of her monthly income). The code violations total a whopping $150,000, which is a ludicrous amount to ask from a woman of 90. On top of that, she also reportedly owes property taxes and her attorney’s retainer fee. In short, she’s in some financial difficulty.

Sikorski’s relatives no longer live in Florida, so it was up to a nice neighbour to take up her case against the evil, penny-pinching authorities of the city of Sarasota. Flick over to the next page to see what this nice young man has done to try and help out his elderly neighbour.

The post This 90-Year-Old Widow Is Set To Lose Her Home Of 64 Years, One Man Is Trying To Help appeared first on Viral Thread.

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