This Is How You Can Make Your Clogged Pores Disappear Using ONE Cupboard Ingredient

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Even though I waved goodbye to my teenage years a long time ago, unfortunately I still suffer with clogged pores. I think we can all agree that they are a blasted nuisance, yet I take comfort in the knowledge that I am not alone; there are hundreds of sufferers out there.

Even the words ‘clogged’ and ‘pore’ set my nerves on edge, and don’t even get me started on ‘whiteheads’ or ‘blackheads’ – which are caused by the clogged pores. Sorry, I said it again.


Once we spot these small apertures on our skin, the majority of us try and do everything in our power to get rid of them. They are caused by dirt, dead skin cells, excessive sebum (the natural oils produced by the sebaceous gland) and bacteria near and on the surface. Therefore one would assume that a simple facial scrub would eradicate them. Sadly we all know that this is not the case, and they just get larger by the day.

But do not fear ladies and gents, there is a solution. The tutorial on the next page will show you how you can treat your large pores using one common household item.

The post This Is How You Can Make Your Clogged Pores Disappear Using ONE Cupboard Ingredient appeared first on Viral Thread.

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