LeBron James Jr. Totally Dominated A Tournament Named After His Dad

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LeBron James is a legend and the NBA would be a lesser place without him, fact. Unfortunately, just like Lakers’ icon Kobe Bryant, there comes a time when every legend of the game has to hang up their jersey for good. As much as we don’t want the day to ever come, sadly there is no such thing as basketball immortality.

However, before you all start shedding a tear over how much longer James’ unbreakable body can take the grind of an 82-game season, you may be happy to hear that the league’s elder statesman has a kid – and he is a beast on the court..

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If you have ever cared to take a moment to consider how genetics work, it will come as no surprise to you that LeBron’s boy is pretty handy when it comes to running the offence. But no one could have predicted that he would be this good. Flick over to the next page to see LeBron’s son in action.

The post LeBron James Jr. Totally Dominated A Tournament Named After His Dad appeared first on Viral Thread.

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