Making A Fruit Salad With Hydraulic Press Is Satisfying, Complete Chaos And Delicious

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The internet is a strange place. Amongst the endless cat videos and iPhone blending, sometimes a true stroke of genius emerges and immediately goes viral. The hydraulic press channel is one such stroke of genius. If you’re slightly confused as to why these videos are quite so popular, you need to ask yourself: what could be more satisfying than watching a hydraulic press well and truly squash the living daylights out of various random objects? Absolutely nothing, that’s what.

The hydraulic press YouTube channel is the brainchild of mad genius Lauri Vuohensilta, who owns a small factory in Finland. His seemingly endless videos of things getting squished by the press are weirdly satisfying, especially when accompanied by his trademark manic laughter. He’s like a James Bond villain who instead of crushing spies, smushes fruit instead.

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In his latest video, Lauri crushes various types of fruit, including a pineapple, watermelon and a coconut. The result is a brilliant, delicious-looking mess. Keep watching till the end of the video, which you can see on the next page, for an unexpected explosive addition to the fruit salad.

The post Making A Fruit Salad With Hydraulic Press Is Satisfying, Complete Chaos And Delicious appeared first on Viral Thread.

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