Father Forces Son Into Bloody Boxing Fight After Missing School

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I don’t know if any of you have looked at the HBO boxing schedule recently, but I can assure you it’s packed full of epic fights which will give sports journalists hours of enjoyment. Obviously though there is a much darker side to boxing. This is something we’ve all seen recently in the media, with Nick Blackwell and his retirement from the sport after emerging from an induced coma.

Boxing is considered a noble sport by many, but others will continue to use fighting to settle scores. Boxing for fitness I can encourage, but fighting for the sake of it is just pointless. Sadly though one father has been caught on camera forcing his son to fight, as punishment for skipping class.


The dad, who is currently unidentified, leaves his 17-year-old son covered in blood after spending five minutes battering him. The shocking footage gained attention after being uploaded to several social media pages. It has already received nearly 1.5 million views online, which is comparable to some of the championship boxing matches we all watch on TV.

The post Father Forces Son Into Bloody Boxing Fight After Missing School appeared first on Viral Thread.

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