Leonardo DiCaprio Was Just Caught Taking A Selfie And His Face When He Sees It…

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I think we can all agree that Leonardo DiCaprio is the man. He’s not just a man, he’s THE man. Men want be him and women want to be with him. Actually, he makes pretty much everyone weak at the knees. Somebody call an accident injury lawyer because I’m going to need assistance, he’s so attractive I’m having heart palpitations.

It’s not my fault that I feel this way, it’s his. He’s ruggedly handsome, he’s a master in front of the camera and the word on the street is that he’s a bit of a joker too – yo momma jokes, funny lawyer jokes, cartoons jokes, he’s got them all in his locker. What’s not to like?


Earlier this year Leo finally joined the acclaimed list of Academy Award winners. Although arguably he should have joined the Oscar winners 2014 party for his role in The Wolf of Wall Street a few years earlier. But hey, that’s an argument for another day.

By the looks of things it seems that life just keeps on getting better and better for the Hollywood hotshot, after he took the most perfect selfie of all time. Not just in my eyes, but in his too. You can see it on the next page in all its glory.

The post Leonardo DiCaprio Was Just Caught Taking A Selfie And His Face When He Sees It… appeared first on Viral Thread.

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