Mega Babe Emilia Clarke Has Lost Her Dragons And Her Spanx

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Emilia Clarke is known for many things, including being one of the hottest women on the planet and rocking a blonde wig better than Hannah Montana. Out of everything though, her “where are my dragons?” line from Game of Thrones is probably one of the most copied and memeified things on the internet.

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Because Clarke is also one of the coolest women on the planet, she is completely down for making fun of herself for the benefit of an entertaining video. In a hilarious video for Glamour magazine, she walks around her house asking where a wide variety of objects are, including her Spanx and her toilet paper.

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During the video, which you can see on the next page, Emilia somehow manages to look incredible while acting out sitting on the toilet and taking a dump. That alone must surely earn her the title of hottest woman ever. Do you think Kim Kardashian could ever pull off something like that?

The post Mega Babe Emilia Clarke Has Lost Her Dragons And Her Spanx appeared first on Viral Thread.

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