Russian Jets Ran A Simulated Attack On A US Navy Ship And The Video Is Terrifying

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Russian fighter jets have simulated an attack on a US Navy boat stationed in the Baltic Sea. The video shows two SU-24 fighter jets flying perilously close to the warship. Apparently, this is one of 24 flybys that have occurred in the past week. This is being seen as an incredibly aggressive play by the Russian government.

The captain of the ship called the manoeuvres “unprofessional and unsafe” while a Defence Department official commented on a separate incident:

“On Tuesday, a Russian KA-27 ‘Helix’ helicopter circled the destroyer seven times taking photos of the ship. These were very low simulated attack profiles, that came within 30 feet of the ship, under 100 feet in altitude, it was creating wake in the water it was so close.”

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