The One Way To Safely Survive Being Stuck In A Sinking Car

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This will sound a little dramatic, but have you ever had a nightmare about being stuck inside a car that’s sinking? It might not be everyone’s darkest fear, but it’s a common one nonetheless. Sadly for some people however, it’s not just a nightmare, it’s a very real danger. A danger that they stand absolutely no chance of avoiding in the heat of the moment.

Thankfully, though we have the answer which might save you in a crisis. It turns out that there is a way to up your chances of surviving this sort of accident. It involves an everyday object, and a little bit of knowhow.


Flick over to the next page where we reveal exactly how you can escape from a situation like this. It might be scary to think about, but a tip like this might just save your life one day.

The post The One Way To Safely Survive Being Stuck In A Sinking Car appeared first on Viral Thread.

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