A New Explicit Tape Has Surfaced Of The Kardashian Family, Set To Destroy Them Forever

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Well well well, what have we here? Another Kardashian story? Can’t be! Okay, okay, enough joking around. This is actually a pretty shocking and serious story concerning the Kardashian family. One that may cause major chaos in the world of these TV reality stars. It’s not about Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kylie, Kendall, Rob or Caitlyn though. Who’s left in the equation? Kris, of course.

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Kris Jenner, mother of six, was married to lawyer, Robert Kardashian, from 1978 until 1991. The couple had four children together, Kim, Khloe, Kourtney and Rob. Now. author, Ian Halperin, has written an unauthorised biography on the Kardashian/Jenner clan called “Kardashian Dynasty”. He claims that there is some intense footage of Kris and Robert out there that companies in Germany and China are willing to pay seven-figure sums for. What video footage is that? Flip the page to find out.

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