This Footage Of Nicholas Cage Fighting With Motley Crue Rocker In Vegas Is Unreal

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Hollywood A-lister Nicholas Cage has done plenty of fight scenes during his time at the top, but none as bizarre as the one he was captured doing the other day. Snapped grappling with lead singer of Mötley Crüe, Vince Neil, Cage is actually playing peacemaker, believe it or not.

TMZ reports that the whole sorry episode started inside Las Vegas’s Aria hotel when a woman approached Cage for an autograph. According the eyewitness reports, Neil threw the woman to the ground by her hair, which prompted Cage’s dramatic intervention.


The footage only captures the end of the scrap, which is a real shame. We’d have loved to have been a fly on the wall during this A-list meltdown. Check out the full video of the fight on the next page and revel in the glory that is Nicholas Cage. What a wonderful man.

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