This Guy Stopped Drinking And The Difference It Made To His Body Is Ridiculous

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A lot of us have had a cheeky drink over a weekend or at a special event. Heck, I’ve even gone out on a Thursday night and drank far too much. It’s become so socially acceptable that we often disregard the effects that it has on our bodies. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, calories shouldn’t count on weekends. Our bodies tend to differ in opinion though.


Dhruv Sharma knows this all too well. He says that when he started at Ohio State university, he was definitely not immune to effects of unhealthy eating. He says, “I went from a lanky kid from India to being a giant belly owner. Even when I got a job in Jersey I just used the extra money to eat like a monster.”


As with many weight loss stories, there comes a turning point that makes you realise it’s time to lose the weight. That time came for Dhruv at his sister’s wedding…

The post This Guy Stopped Drinking And The Difference It Made To His Body Is Ridiculous appeared first on Viral Thread.

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