Woman Loses Six Stone After Making Simple Change And Looks Incredible

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A woman from Scotland has been motivating people around the world after sharing her incredible six stone weight loss story on Instagram and Twitter. Ashleigh Munn, 24, from Greenock, Scotland weighed 16 stone at her heaviest and had to use crutches to get around because her hip and pelvis bones could no longer handle her weight.

After a series of health scares related to her weight, she decided enough was enough and started to change her diet and hit the gym. Ashleigh’s motivational before and after pictures, which you can see on the next page, show exactly how much her body has transformed thanks to good old-fashioned healthy eating and exercise.


After finding out that she was expecting her first child, Munn admitted she used pregnancy as an excuse to eat as much junk food as she wanted.

Once her daughter Mya was born, Ashleigh became embarrassed about her size, especially in the playground: “I would see mums at playgroups running about but I was too embarrassed and aware of my size, and I’d get out of breath quickly. I didn’t want my little girl Mya, two, to grow up with her mum not running around, and eating rubbish.”

The post Woman Loses Six Stone After Making Simple Change And Looks Incredible appeared first on Viral Thread.

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