12 Cringeworthy People Who Should Be Banned From Snapchat

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I can’t pretend to even remotely understand Snapchat. Call me clueless and out of touch, but the messaging app drives me crazy. All I see when I log in people sharing their bizarre stories, and others (mainly girls) sending messages with funny special effects on them. Whatever happened to sharing your day on Twitter? Far more civilised if you ask me.

One of the real problems with Snapchat is the copious amounts of morons who use it. Want some examples? Well thankfully we have 12 cringeworthy examples to explain our point.









These people are just so cringey that it’s hard for me to breathe right now… But thankfully for them they’ve been outdone by the nightmare humans on the next page.

The post 12 Cringeworthy People Who Should Be Banned From Snapchat appeared first on Viral Thread.

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