Getting a tattoo for most people is a deeply personal experience (unless you’re one of those people that wake up in Malia at 9am with a burning sensation on their lower back). Not everyone feels that way however, and feel that getting inked is a spectator sport worthy of mass participation.
Not content to invite a few friends to watch, one young man took it to the next level however by live streaming the whole thing… Managing to get 16,000 checking in to see his epic tattoo, it won’t surprise you to know that the subject matter of the tattoo was both controversial and current.
Yes, there isn’t a good news item these days without Donald Trump having his name involved. Want to see the offending tattoo? Well flick over to the next page to see it in all it’s Trump-filled glory.
The post Guy Gets Very NSFW Trump Tattoo And Live Streamed The Whole Thing appeared first on Viral Thread.