You’ve Probably Got Mutual Friends With This Woman And You Need To Unfriend Her Right Now

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When you get a push notification on your phone saying someone has added you on Facebook, it’s always exciting. Sadly though when you check your phone, it’s often a random person you’ve never heard of trying to contact you from a foreign land. While it may seem like a good idea to add them and start a long distance friendship, I urge you to practice caution.

I’m not being unnecessarily strict; there is a female account doing the rounds on Facebook that you NEED to avoid like the plague. Why? It’s all part of a giant internet scam designed to catch you out. More than 30 separate profiles exist for the non-existent person Madhu Shah, and all of the accounts feature the same stolen profile photo.


Facebook user Pawan Manghnani took to social media to warn friends after realising he had 150 mutual friends with one of these mysterious Madhu Shah accounts. After asking around he found out that nobody knew who this lady was…

Want to see the face of the scam? Well flick over to the next page where we reveal exactly what she looks like. You’re welcome world.

The post You’ve Probably Got Mutual Friends With This Woman And You Need To Unfriend Her Right Now appeared first on Viral Thread.

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