Conor McGregor is essentially the Marmite of UFC; some people love him, some people hate him but either way, people are always talking about him.
As someone who personally follows the sport, I was devastated at the news of his retirement yesterday. With Rousey seemingly out of the game for an extended period of time (though set to return) and now McGregor gone too – it leaves a gaping whole in the “entertainment” element of the sport.
Of course, there will be the puritans who argue that the athletes should cut out the talk and focus on the fight but you can bet your bottom dollar that these very same people are still reading the news and watching the videos of all the drama that ensues around the match.
When McGregor first shared his retirement tweet, I’m pretty sure the majority of people just assumed it was a prank, banter or some kind of sick and tasteless joke but this latest development seals the truth in it once for all.
Check out the nail in the coffin for McGregor’s UFC career on the next page
The post Conor McGregor’s Reasons For Retiring Have Been Revealed appeared first on Viral Thread.