Insanely Creepy Footage Of A Ghost Captured In A Hospital

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As a natural born cynic and sceptic, I never been a believer in ghosts. This is amusing because I’ve actually seen a ghost. That being said, it’s easier to assume it was a trick of the mind or a trick of the light than contemplate the possibility that otherworldly beings do exist.

When it comes to unproven phenomena (ghosts, aliens, telepathy) I try to keep an open mind. But my bottom line is: without indisputable evidence they’re probably not real. Because the universe loves to keep things interesting, this week some evidence did indeed come my way.


Footage has emerged from a hospital in Honduras which does indeed appear to contain evidence of a ghost. I implore you to continue to the next page to watch the video; should you be of a more nervous disposition, perhaps don’t watch it alone in the dark.

The post Insanely Creepy Footage Of A Ghost Captured In A Hospital appeared first on Viral Thread.

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