Looking for a new car? Well today is your lucky day because this could be the vehicle for you. Well, if it’s a beat up Fiat 500 in desperate need of some tender loving care and devotion that you’re after…
If you’ve found yourself scrolling through eBay recently in search of a new set of wheels, you may have come across the user sphlchwns. She recently took to the site to find a new owner for her red whip. However, instead of trying to advertise her Fiat in a positive light, she decided that honesty was the best policy and made it pretty obvious that her car isn’t exactly in mint condition.
If you did stumble across the post, titled: “Fiat 500 2008, needs TLC,” you probably realised at the start of her hilarious description that it wasn’t your average sales pitch. However, I bet it really, REALLY made you want to buy it. Check it out for yourself on the next page…
The post Woman’s Advert To Sell Her Car Is Going Viral And It’s Easy To See Why appeared first on Viral Thread.