Kylie Jenner’s Make Up Free Snaps Reveal What She’s Been Hiding Under All That Contouring

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Kylie Jenner is like sand these days; she gets everywhere. If you’ve never seen any of the original episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, you probably have no idea what she looks like bare-faced.

These days, she is practically unrecognisable from her former self. Seemingly overnight, her lips quadrupled in size and I can’t remember the last time she was photographed without her skin looking contoured to sh*t and her eyebrows on fleek. Until now…

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The youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan recently let the world have a sneak peak at her naked face. You’ll be shocked to see what she actually looks like underneath all that makeup. I have to admit Kylie, I think the whole au naturel style suits you.

Check out the snaps on the next page…

The post Kylie Jenner’s Make Up Free Snaps Reveal What She’s Been Hiding Under All That Contouring appeared first on Viral Thread.

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