French Trains Are Being Turned Into Moving Art Museums

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Instead of encouraging people to visit their world-famous landmarks, France’s national state-owned rail service SNCF has come up with a fantastic idea. They’ve decided to bring these landmarks to you, and you can enjoy them at your leisure during your morning commute to work.

Working in collaboration with American manufacturing company 3M, the SNCF has been giving trains a series of artistic makeovers. They cover the interiors with graphic film that contains various famous works of art for passengers to peruse. Designs include flowers and furnishings from the Palace of Versailles, impressionist art from the Musée d’Orsay and images from Cinéma Gaumont, the oldest film company in the world.

Not only has the series, titled Art In Transit, helped to make life more interesting for passengers; it’s also apparently helped to deter vandals from damaging the trains. Good job France! We like your ‘train’ of thought (sorry).








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