This Is What It Means When Your Ring Finger Is Longer Than Your Index Finger

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Why did I decide to write this article? Well it was because I too was very interested in finding out what the size of your ring finger has to do with the price of eggs.

When I was in high school, it was said that if your ring finger was longer than your index finger, that you were of a homosexual nature. Of course, that isn’t true; but new data has revealed that the size of your ring and index finger actually can give some kind of indication on your personality type.


According to science, the size of your ring finger shows how much testosterone you were exposed to in the womb, which in turn affects your personality. So what does ring finger say about you? Find out more on the next page.

The post This Is What It Means When Your Ring Finger Is Longer Than Your Index Finger appeared first on Viral Thread.

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