What The Rock Is Eating To Bulk Up For ‘Furious 8’

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When it comes to extremely impressive male bodies, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson ranks pretty high up on my most lust-worthy list. In fact, he is the list. The entire list. I mean, just look at that body. There is no doubt he is one fine specimen of a human being, and his body is what us mere mortals can only dream of.

People are constantly saying they won’t be impressed with the internet until they can download food. Well I won’t be impressed with the internet until I can download Dwayne.

The Rock 1

The Rock 2

The Rock 3

Okay enough eyeing him up, and back to the story at hand. It seems that The Rock will be reclaiming his role as Luke Hobbs in Fast And Furious 8 and he has decided he will be transforming his body for the role.

Yep, apparently even The Rock’s chiselled form has room for improvement. If you want to achieve a Rock-like physique then continue to the next page where we reveal his amazing mass building secret!

The post What The Rock Is Eating To Bulk Up For ‘Furious 8’ appeared first on Viral Thread.

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