Girlfriend Caught Cheating At The Movies But That Wasn’t Even The Worst Part

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Nobody likes a cheater, especially when that cheater also manages to wreck more than just the emotional part of your life. Feeling angry and betrayed is one thing, but nobody wants to have to deal with extra fallout as well. Imagine finding out that your girlfriend has been doing the dirty on you, then topping that off with a mega movie spoiler that will rock your very foundations.

Sounds terrible right? Well that’s exactly what happened in this hilarious text conversation between a soon-to-be single guy and his best friend.

1. It all starts innocently enough, with one guy taking a trip to see the new Star Wars movie…


2. Then he took a shot right to the gut


So he’s been told his girlfriend has been cheating on him… how does it end? Well the only way to find out is to continue with our tale of deceit and betrayal to its very conclusion.

The post Girlfriend Caught Cheating At The Movies But That Wasn’t Even The Worst Part appeared first on Viral Thread.

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