Naked Man Attempts Suicide Jumping Into Lions’ Den, Ends In Bloodshed And Tragedy

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A suicidal 20-year-old man is recovering after breaking into a lion’s cage in a Chilean zoo on Saturday. Two African lions housed at Santiago Zoo instinctively pounced on the man and severely mauled him. Sadly, the lions and had to be put down in order to save the man’s life.

The man, who has been named by local media as Franco Luis Ferrada Roman, survived the incident and was taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. According to local news, a suicide note was found inside his clothes that made allusions to the apocalypse as a reason for his death wish.


Alejandra Montalva, the zoo’s director, said: “He trespassed into an area where the public are not normally allowed and we understand that he forced the roof of the lion’s enclosure. It was from there that he jumped, took off his clothes and started to attract the lions.” A graphic video of the incident is available over on the next page, but be warned that it’s not for the fainthearted.

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