Chris Brown Slams His Baby Mama For Dressing Their 2-Year-Old Daughter Like This

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Chris Brown is known for being one of the most controversial stars in the music industry, so when the birth of his child was announced two years ago, we had no reason to think he would be a changed man. How right we were. It turns out that fatherhood has done nothing to chill Brown’s temper, as some recent tweets about his now 2-year-old daughter Royalty’s choice of outfit.

In response to his baby mama’s photo of his child in a tutu, he wrote: “It’s crazy to me that a parent would [be] OK dressing our daughter like she [is] 16. I ain’t cool wit that. SHE IS 2!!!!”
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Fans were quick to post their opionion on the matter, with one writing: “This looks like she’s in dance class or ballet but she should atleast [sic] have on tights which u are suppose to wear with your leotard..@chrisbrownofficial u are absolutely right.”

Check out the original photo along with mum Nia Guzman’s response over on the next page.

The post Chris Brown Slams His Baby Mama For Dressing Their 2-Year-Old Daughter Like This appeared first on Viral Thread.

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