Nicki Minaj Just Did A ‘Kim K’ And Posted Racy Selfies

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If there’s one thing that celebrities know how to do it’s make me cry with jealousy shut down the internet. There are a whole plethora of ways that A-listers can do this: cheat, go on a vile Twitter rant like Azealia Banks, claim you’re more influential than God, or release an album that is laced with an overriding theme of infidelity. Ahem, Beyoncé I’m looking at you.

However, arguably there’s one standout thing that celebs can do to ensure the entirety of the internet starts talking about them. I am of course referring to racy selfies. You know, like this one provided to us by Kimmie K earlier in the year.


The latest famous face to send the internet into a complete meltdown with her uber-raunchy pics is none other than Nicki Minaj. Check out her seriously candid photos on the next page…

The post Nicki Minaj Just Did A ‘Kim K’ And Posted Racy Selfies appeared first on Viral Thread.

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