This Is What Your Profile Picture Says About Your Personality

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If your profile picture is a duck-face bathroom selfie, I won’t hold back in assuming that you’re a self-centered narcissist who needs to get off social media immediately. While my admittedly harsh assessment of selfie-takers has absolutely no basis in scientific fact, it turns out that your profile picture can actually reveal a lot about your personality.


Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have conducted a study which found that it’s easy to predict someone’s personality traits by looking at their choice of profile picture. The study analysed the Twitter profiles of more than 66,000 people, and collected up to 3,200 of the most recent tweets for each person.

They also gave 429 users a standard personality questionnaire to fill out, which aimed to categorise among the big five personality traits: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience.

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The researchers analysed the differences in colour, composition, number of faces included, demographics, facial presentation, and expression. They eventually found “significant differences in profile picture choice between personality traits.” So what does your profile picture say about you? Head over to the next page to find out.

The post This Is What Your Profile Picture Says About Your Personality appeared first on Viral Thread.

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