I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, in short, having a dog lick your face can cause you serious health problems. And just when you thought you had every inch of your life covered and were an active and successful adult by looking up things like free term life insurance quotes and free online auto insurance quotes, I come out and tell you that the one thing that causes you joy in life is potentially harmful. Aren’t I the worst?
So why is it so bad when dogs lick our face? I thought a dog’s mouth was cleaner than a human’s? No? No! That is just a myth, people. The truth is, dogs eat garbage, poop, and don’t brush their teeth like we do. That means that they pass on harmful bacteria onto us when they lick our face.
Don’t believe me? There have been recorded cases of dogs giving their owners tuberculosis. In 2013, a child caught TB from a family dog in Gloucestershire, UK. The child, who was under ten, made a full recovery, but the dog was put down. Read more reasons why we should avoid a dog’s saliva on the next page.
The post This Is What’s Really Happening When Your Dog Licks Your Face appeared first on Viral Thread.