Kevin the Russian Blue cat was found in a car park and brought to a vet clinic when he was just 4 weeks old. He was not like the other kittens, though; he had a serious condition and the vets didn’t believe he’d live.
“I was warned that he wouldn’t live to see 6 months (if he was lucky) and to not become attached,” Tailah, Kevin’s human, a veterinary nurse, told Love Meow. “I told myself that even if he passed away, I gave him all the loving I could. 4 years later and he’s still my best little love bug.”
Kevin has Hydrocephalus. “It is a fancy word for ‘fluid on the brain’. It is a serious condition and can impact sight, hearing and brain function. Kev is a total characteristic of this as he is (not completely) blind and deaf and to put it gently… he’s very ‘special.’ He is the happiest, funniest, silliest little kid I know and I’m so glad I was able to give him a chance at life. A chance he grabbed with both paws and ran with!” Happy 4th birthday, Kev!