Where You Get Spots Can Tell You A Lot About Your Health

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Acne is one of the world’s most irritating conditions, causing awkwardness, embarrassment and self consciousness the world over. While many of us have long put our spotty teenage years behind us, there are a large proportion of adults who are still plagued by the curse of bad skin.


After a while, spots start to become part of everyday life, and we generally try to cover them with makeup and ignore them as much as possible. However, it turns out that by ignoring our spots, we might actually be ignoring more serious underlying health conditions.

The location of your spots can actually act as a quick health check up, indicating a wide variety of issues and concerns. So if you’ve started to become concerned with more regular breakouts, here’s exactly what might be causing them.

The post Where You Get Spots Can Tell You A Lot About Your Health appeared first on Viral Thread.

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