12 People Who Are Brutally Honest To An Almost Savage Degree

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In our modern world of Instagram filters and photoshopping, we’ve come to assume that honesty is not always the best policy. Did the Kardashians get where they are today by sharing their spotty morning faces and wobbly bits with the world? I think not.

There are some instances, however, where brutal honesty makes for refreshing comedy gold, giving us a rare glimpse of truth in a world full of fakers. The following people are so honest that they shouldn’t be allowed to interact with other human beings, let alone own businesses and boyfriends.

1. What else was this teacher expecting?


2. She’s taking overly attached girlfriend to new levels


3. Honesty is the best policy


4. That’s what we’re here for


The post 12 People Who Are Brutally Honest To An Almost Savage Degree appeared first on Viral Thread.

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