High School Student Secretly Draws All 411 Of His Graduating Classmates

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When seniors at Boston Latin School arrived for their final day of classes, they could never have expected to find the corridors filled with portraits of themselves. But little did they know that one of their fellow students had spent the last four months drawing them in secret. All 411 of them.

The mystery man behind the canvas is Phillip Sossou, an 18-year-old senior from Roslindale. He drew the portraits in charcoal and he worked on them every day, sometimes long into the evening. He decided to embark upon the extra-curricular project in order to bring some unity to the school in light of recent negative press in response to allegations of racism. “I was trying to show everyone in a positive light,” Sossou told the Boston Globe. “Our class has been kind of divided. Having these pictures helps us to embrace our diversity.”

Take a look at his awesome artwork below. We’re sure you’ll agree that this guy definitely has a bright future ahead of him.












You can see more of his portraits in the video below:

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