Bad News World, Taylor Swift And Calvin Harris Have Broken Up

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If there is one thing that is sure in this world, it’s that Taylor Swift loves a break up. Harry Styles, Jake Gyllenhaal, Taylor Lautner, Zac Efron: these are just some of the beautiful men who have loved (and lost) Taylor Swift. Now it seems that we can add another name to the ever-growing list… Calvin Harris.

Yes, the Scottish DJ ended his 15-month relationship with the Bad Blood star yesterday, much to the surprise of pretty much everyone in the know. The pair have been seen hugging and kissing at recent awards ceremonies, plus at the Californian festival (and celebrity trap) Coachella. So why did they finish it?


Flick over to the next page to hear more details about how one of the music scene’s biggest power couples came tumbling down. Oh yeah, and there will be some more pictures of Taylor looking gorgeous.

The post Bad News World, Taylor Swift And Calvin Harris Have Broken Up appeared first on Viral Thread.

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