Disturbing Footage Shows A Woman Possessed By Evil Spirits Speaking In ‘Devil Voice’

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Disturbing footage of a woman who seems to have been possessed by an evil spirit emerged this weekend, and we have to admit, it’s pretty chilling. We know on some Mondays we’re definitely not ready to face the start of the week, but this woman takes it to another level!

The video in question shows a woman, named in the footage as Carmela, fighting against nurses trying to save her from both her seizure and her possessed state. Although Carmela is restrained by an IV given to her by the nurses, she lunges for the nurses on many occasions, her body is tossing and turning. It’s unknown what caused her seizure, but her reaction is spooky to say the least.


Although the nurses were trying their best to bring Carmela back to life, Carmela’s evil spirit had other ideas. Read on to see what Carmela and her evil spirit had to say to the shocked nurses.

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