Girl In Bikini Freaking Out On New Synthetic Drug Flakka Is Difficult To Watch

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In November 2015, the International Business Times wrote an interesting article talking about a new synthetic street drug that was starting to appear regularly in New York State. Not a narcotic that I’d ever heard of before, I was intrigued to see what the drug, called Flakka, would do to the casual drug-user stupid enough to take it.

The drug is reportedly related to the so-called “bath salts” drug and produces a high similar to that of cocaine. In short, it’s really, really bad and you should never take it. Sadly some people obviously haven’t got the memo, and have been getting quite a substantial amount of Flakka into their systems.


On the next page we have a pretty troubling video of a woman having a manic episode after dropping a whole lot of Flakka. The drug is renowned for causing violent behaviour, spikes in body temperature and paranoia – as well as giving people a feeling of super-human strength. Flick over to see exactly what happens when you lose your mind of Flakka. Warning: it isn’t pretty.

The post Girl In Bikini Freaking Out On New Synthetic Drug Flakka Is Difficult To Watch appeared first on Viral Thread.

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