Parents Create ‘Harry Potter’ Nursery For Their Muggle-Born Little Wizard

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You’re never too old to be a Harry Potter fan. Nor, it seems, can you ever be too young. In fact, Tiffany Nicole and her husband made sure that their fourth child was destined to be a Potterhead even before he was born by creating this magical Harry Potter-themed nursery for him.

“I just recently introduced the movies to my other children,” Tiffany told Buzzfeed. “And that’s when we decided it would be perfect to design his nursery with a story that has made such an impact on my childhood.”

The couple used items mainly bought from Etsy and Amazon to turn the room into a spellbinding Harry Potter treasure trove. Quidditch set? Check. Sorting hat? Check. Mandrake and flesh-eating slug repellent? Check. There’s even a Monster book of Monsters!

So if you’re about to begin designing your own nursery, maybe these pictures will give you some inspiration. And if you’ve already finished…well…you might want to think about starting again.

Want to make your own? You can find a lot of what you’ll need on Etsy and Amazon

(h/t: Buzzfeed)

Tiffany Nicole and her husband made sure that their fourth child was destined to be a Potterhead even before he was born 


“We decided it would be perfect to design his nursery with a story that has made such an impact on my childhood,” she said


And as you can see, their idea is sure to have a magical impact on their new baby!



The room is filled with everything you can think of from the Harry Potter series



Even the tiniest things, such as a light switch, has spells written on it


The room is complete with a beautiful broom, great for those quidditch matches when the baby grows up


There’s even a photograph of the original Order of the Pheonix!



Potterheads are sure to recognize all the items on display


Such as Luna’s Qibbler…



Mandrake and flesh-eating slug repellent…


A copy of the Daily Prophet…




Even Fang is there!


A lot of the items were bought online, such as these wands and Bertie Botts every flavor beans


Want to make your own? You can find a lot of what you’ll need on Etsy and Amazon

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