Bieber Filmed Fighting Famous Rapper After Burning Him With A Lit Cigarette

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Stop the press, we’ve got big news. Justin Bieber, serial playboy and pop icon, has been filmed fighting in a club. The best part of the whole story? It was all his fault. (Surprise, surprise.) Whether you love the Canadian maestro or not, this is possibly the biggest celebrity news story of 2016.

After being a bit of a scamp over the last couple of years, Bieber has finally won the public over with a whole host of catchy songs that put us in a pop trance. Sadly though, there is a rebellious streak in him that won’t seem to go away. So what happened this time around?


Bieber was at an appearance at a nightclub in Houston, when he started to act up. In front of thousands of people (all of whom had their smartphones at the ready) Bieber started messing around with a famous rapper (we’ll reveal who it was soon) and things got more than a little bit tasty…

The post Bieber Filmed Fighting Famous Rapper After Burning Him With A Lit Cigarette appeared first on Viral Thread.

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